Robyn Cross, RVT

Name: Robyn Cross, RVT
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Veterinary Care Advisor & Supply Hubber - Mississuaga

ROBYN joined SOS in 2015 as a transport volunteer, which led to her becoming a key member of the vetting team. She found SOS through a wonderful group of women known as the Crazy Dog Ladies, who mentioned SOS was looking for volunteers and the rest is history. Fast-forward to now and her current role is so layered and multi-faceted it’s almost impossible to condense into a short bio…but we’ll do our best. Intakes, foster support, vetting, admin — there’s not much Robyn doesn’t help with. Robyn brings her lifelong passion and expertise as an RVT to ensure Every. Single. Scruff is properly vetted, healthy, and ready to be adopted. She also helped create the SOS vetting protocol, which is used on every scruff that enters our care. 

In her spare time, Robyn likes to…oh wait, spare time? Never heard of it. Robyn loves to stay busy. Whether it’s baking treats, selling Tupperware, making decals, or doing even more to help dogs (yep, apparently that’s possible) like collecting donations for rescues. OK and sometimes she relaxes, spending quality time with her husband and her own dog, Chief.