Jenna Bye

Name: Jenna Bye
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Executive Director

JENNA joined SOS in 2014 as our social media guru. As the community has grown, so has Jenna’s role. What started as using her voice through social media to support dogs has led to her current role as Executive Director. Which is basically a fancy way of saying she does A. LOT. of work both behind the scenes and in front of the screen (if you’ve never seen Jenna’s face, do you even follow SOS??) to educate and advocate for dogs and humans. Don’t let our huge community fool you, we are still very much a start-up space, and no leader at SOS is without daily duties and odd tasks that keep the charity running. Her love for animals started long before SOS was founded, but joining the mission re-sparked that love with a newfound understanding of dog companionship. And she doesn’t see that passion going away anytime soon. 

When she’s not popping up on our Instagram stories to educate our followers (or show offsome cool new merch) or doing just about anything under the sun related to SOS, you can find Jenna exploring nature with Mascot Micke, devouring guac in a hammock, or practicing community building. While Jenna says she doesn’t think she will ever live “comfortably” in her animal-welfare mission, she intends to continue evolving on the path toward her goals. A path defined by kindness, spirituality and happiness, that inspires her to support dogs, her team and her community.