
SOS Title: Mascot

MICKE was adopted by the Bye family in 2014. After looking for a home in the Dominican for a year, local rescue Moringa's Mission was able to find a flight parent for him to try out adoption in Canada. His initial adoption didn't work out, and he ended up in the Bye family home. And he never left. He joined the fam when SOS was just getting started, and quickly became our poster boy. In his current role as Mascot, you can find Micke’s face on SOS logos, or in-person at community events. In addition to looking handsome as heck, Micke’s face, with its classic street-dog look, does another very important job: He shows dog lovers that street dogs are beautiful too. Micke also represents the love and joy rescue dogs can offer, when you give dogs the respect and trust they need to thrive. 

When he’s not smizing for the cameras, Micke can be found sleeping in bed, hiking, helping foster friends, and singing when the phone rings. His favourite things are butt scratches, pack walks and his famous chicken squeaky toy.

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