Maddie S

Name: Maddie S
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Events Admin

MADDIE began with SOS in 2022 after years of following SOS on instagram and reading all the inspiring posts and of course, for the love of doggos!  Stars aligned when Maddie felt as though SOS was a great way to give back to the community as well as a way to meet cool people –because dog people are the coolest.  Having been a part of an events team, she’s picked up some skills here and there that have applicable to other areas of her life and that’s been awesome.

Outside of SOS, Maddie loves to spend time with her partner Scott and their furry pal, Leo.  During the summer season, it’s important to Maddie to get out and experience what the city has to offer, but in the winter, there’s nothing better than being cozy in door with a good crochet project and some reality television.  Fun fact:  Maddie is a part of a big family –four siblings!