Alex C

Name: Alex C
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Adoption Coordinator

ALEX joined SOS in 2023, but has been following SOS activity since 2016 when they were looking for a dog to adopt; the obsession has been real ever since!  Alex loves all animals, but dogs hold a special place so she joined SOS to help as many of them as she possibly can.  Alex has been an HR professional for over 8 years which has given incredible experience in being able to advocate for those who are in need.

Beyond SOS, Alex loves to spend time with her husband, two teenage kids and of course, the fur babies Simon (morkie), Henley (beagle/boxer) and Ophelia (tabby cat).  She also loves all the nice weather activities like walking, golfing and hanging out on their boat.  Not to mention, Alex also loves visiting wineries and breweries as well as delving into a good book or a binge-worthy show.  Fun fact:  Alex loves to travel and asking where the locals where they like to eat is the best way to find good spots! If asked about a fun fact any other time, she will bring up volunteering with SOS ☺