Tiffany (Tiff) W

Name: Tiffany W
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Logistics Coordinator

TIFF started at Save Our Scruff in 2019 as a Logistics Coordinator for the Spay & Neuter clinics. She first saw the dedication and passion of Save Our Scruff on her Instagram feed and wanted to be a part of it all. So she joined the team and travelled with us to Mexico for a spay & neuter clinic, where she gained a lot of dog-handling experience and learned first-hand that the work Save Our Scruff does extends far beyond rescue.

Fun fact: Tiff might just be the best person to watch a horror movie with…if you can somehow convince her (good luck with that). She gets so scared, which — for everyone other than Tiff — is rather amusing.

Tiffany W