Sam S

Name: Sam S
Pronouns: she/they
SOS Title: On-site Intake Coordinator

SAM came to Save Our Scruff in 2022 as our on-site coordinator. It all clicked in 2017 when they first started fostering and volunteering for the Humane Society. One step inside a shelter and they found their purpose (cheesy but true) advocating for animals. After adopting two kitties and the sweetest senior dog named Happy, Sam continues to advocate for the most vulnerable in their current role with Save Our Scruff.

Outside of Save Our Scruff, Sam works with dogs (big surprise) as a dog adventure guide/walker/training assistant extraordinaire. When they’re not working, you can bet Sam’s hanging with their partner, kitties & pup, reading books by queer authors or taking afternoon naps. Fun fact: Sam has narcolepsy, so yeah, naps happen.