Ruth E

Name: Ruth E
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Website Coordinator

RUTH came to Save Our Scruff in 2021 as our Website Coordinator. As a long-time Instagram follower, she used to love engaging with Save Our Scruff’s mission all the way from the U.K. She wanted to get involved but because she was far away, she wasn’t sure how she could help out from across the ocean. Until of course she found her current role, which allows her to help make the charity’s online presence shine — remotely. She brought lots of experience building dog-related websites. In fact, the first website she ever built was related to her own dog, Ember.

In her spare time, Ruth loves taking her dog for walks, consuming all kinds of dog-related content (because who are we kidding, it’s never enough), building websites and listening to K-pop.