Heather B

Name: Heather B
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Photographer

HEATHER joined SOS back in 2021 to share her love of photography and being able to connect human and doggo-kind through her work. Being able to advocate for rescue dogs with a reputable organization is important to her. Heather used to do landscape photography exclusively, but wanted to step out of her comfort zone and photograph people that eventually led to dogs. Heather’s sister adopted a dog named Franny from SOS back in 2021 and that’s taught her a lot about advocating for dogs and their unique needs.

Beyond SOS, Heather loves going for nature walks, grabbing ice cream (but all treats, really), cozy afternoon naps, thrifting and quality time with loved ones. Fun fact: Heather won a trip to Morocco through a contest on instagram once!