Courtney B

Name: Courtney B
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Scruff Counsellor

COURTNEY started at Save Our Scruff as a Foster Counsellor in 2019. She brought with her a desire to have a meaningful impact on dog overpopulation, as well as experience as a foster for the Toronto Humane Society. She has fostered many dogs with varying behavioural and medical quirks, and took that passion a big step further when she took on her role as Scruff Counsellor.

When she’s not busy supporting all the scruffs, she loves to kick back with her best buddy Django (adopted in 2020) and watch “trashy” reality TV — Real Housewives, Drag Race, Teen Mom, Kardashians, Jersey Shore…you name it.

Courtney Boost - SC .JPG