Alyssia M

Name: Alyssia M
Pronouns: she/her
SOS Title: Scruff Counsellor

ALYSSIA joined Save Our Scruff in 2021 as a Scruff Counsellor. For her, volunteering with Save Our Scruff brings together her two passions: helping people (her educational background is in social work) and dogs. She has always loved dogs, and has long dedicated her spare time to helping dogs as a volunteer with a few organizations and adopted her rescue dog Lila before finding her role with Save Our Scruff as a Scruff Counsellor and a transport volunteer.           

Outside of Save Our Scruff, Alyssia loves hiking outside with Lila and her partner and exploring Hamilton — she’s also always looking for recommendations for spots to check out, so hit her up! Fun fact: Alyssia’s goal is to visit every province & territory in Canada.