Female | 8 months | 30 pounds & growing | Puppy energy | Coexists with family dog & cats | Could exist with dog-savvy kids | From Manitoba | Fostered in Hamilton | Shy, gentle, curious & playful | Nervous around people

ARYA is a sweet, gentle girl who’s ready to find her best friend forever. She will always look to her human or fur friend for guidance on what toy is best, where to go or what to do next. Although she can also play chase with new friends, or have fun with a toy all on her own. She’s still got a medium "sidekick" energy — picture the Romy to your Michelle, or Grace to your Frankie!

She may take a little extra time when it comes to meeting a human friend, but going slow with some treats and belly/chin scratches will win her over in no time. She doesn't bark at noises or passers-by, only when she plays (though she will sometimes chirp for her meals!), and is super curious to meet other dogs, sniffing and wagging her tail. ARYA’s also very curious about her two family cats, one grumpy, one shy, but both she just desperately wants to be friends with.

Once you’ve earned her trust, she wants to be close to her human with lots of snuggles and ear scratches. But even more so, ARYA wants to be close to her best fur friend. She’s very dog social and would of course love to meet more dogs… but once she’s more comfortable & confident, more humans, too. ARYA would likely do well with a friendly dog sibling who can help boost her confidence and make her feel even more at ease.  

ARYA loves being outside, a classic Manitoba girlie, and is learning to adjust to her new routine. She’s smart as a button already learning sit, stay, come, and fetch and is even pretty good with her potty break commands! Plus, sleeps like the angel she is in her crate every night.

Think you’ve found your bestie? Apply to adopt ARYA below!

ARYA will be attending our adoption event at Hamilton Pet Valu, on Nov 24th! The event is from 12-3pm at 1550 Upper James St, Hamilton, ON. Come say hi to ARYA, she’ll be excited to meet you!