Everyone loves February because it has a very special event all about love. You know what we’re talking about, right? Our annual #spayitforward campaign, duh!


This initiative is dedicated to raising funds & awareness to spay (and neuter, we should mention!) dogs in communities suffering from overpopulation. This year we’re doing things a little differently, but let’s chat more about the “why” behind spay + neuter first.

Why is spay & neuter so important to our cause?

Did you know that one unaltered female dog, and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies over 6 years (Peta, 2020). Well, we're here to educate, inform and advocate. Our companion animals need us as the majority of them are homeless, suffering and without the basic needs to survive.


The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated there are more than 200 million stray dogs worldwide

It's estimated that only one out of every 10 dogs born will find a permanent home

Cat person? Us too.. Additionally, one female cat and her offspring can produce 370,000 kittens in six years

In 2019, Canadian shelters took in more than 105,000 companion animals. This does not include local rescues. Additionally, only 10 percent of the animals that enter shelters have been spayed/neutered

Millions of animals are killed annually as a result of overpopulation. The severe reality is that euthanization still occurs, harsh outdoor conditions, starvation and disease take the lives of animals every single day

spaying it forward

Now that you have some of the staggering statistics let's talk about what we're doing about it.

Save Our Scruff is dedicated to sponsoring local & global action in the many communities we support. This year, our goal is to help as many dogs as possible but also specifically 2 x the amount of dogs we adopt out through our organization. This is because we truly believe the spay & neuter is one of the most important ways to reduce our overpopulation of dogs, and thus support the animal welfare issues dogs face. Therefore it needs our attention.

For that reason, we’ve also decided to extend our campaign to being year-long, allowing anyone at any time to donate to this action specifically. Funds received will be used towards partner organizations, local situations that need our help or possibly to spay or neuter dogs we bring into care.


Our goal this year is to help as many dogs as possible thanks to our communities support. At minimum, we will spay + neuter double the amount of dogs we adopt out.

Funds will be going towards our partners who are in need of spay and neuter support this year. More details will be announced throughout the year.

Donation contributions between $25-$500 can represent support towards 1 dog altered, supported, and their cycle of overpopulation halted, depending on the area we are helping.

Your donation will literally prevent pain, suffering, disease, and, for many, a life living in constant fear. 

This year we have an opportunity to be part of the change. As a community, we can make an impact that will be felt for years to come.


All donations will receive a tax receipt.


Have a question? Feel free to email us at We will do our best to respond to your message as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your support - you are PAWSOME!