Thinking about hosting an event for Save Our Scruff? You ROCK! Please read all the information below to find out how to get moving! No matter how large or small the event is, your efforts will go a long way! Get all the information you need to know in our action plan below.
Save Our Scruff gives priority to events that have a strong focus on fundraising, education and advocacy for rescue dogs. All events that are using a Save Our Scruff logo or name must be approved before promoting or hosting the event.
Want to learn more about Save Our Scruff in your workplace? Host a Lunch & Learn with us!
How it works: SOS representatives and a scruff will come in to your workplace for 1hr during “lunch” (or any designated time). We will chat all things Save Our Scruff, giving insight on what we do, why, and how, including a Q&A session.
We will also be accepting donations during the session. Email Jenna at to schedule!
SAVE OUR SCRUFF WEdding donations
Are you interested in supporting Save Our Scruff with a donation in lieu of wedding gift? Thank you! We’d be happy to assist with the creation of any handouts, dog bios, or other materials.
Email Jenna at to inquire!
How Save Our Scruff Can Support you:
Tax receipts, if applicable, or receipting support according to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines.
A support letter that validates the authenticity of the event
Content to utilize in promotion (logo, photos of current dogs, posters)
Add event to website or other channels when appropriate
Due to limited resources,
Save Our Scruff cannot:
Reimburse fundraising expenses
Guarantee animal or staff presence at event
Guarantee promotion of third- party events
Provide permits, license or insurance for events