Full Name
Personal Pronoun
What made you choose SAVE OUR SCRUFF as the rescue you want to foster with?
Email Address
Phone Number
Please note: our vet clinic is in Mississauga and we require all of our foster dogs to attend a vetting appointment there. We only accept foster homes in Ontario.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Unit #
How old are you?
Under 18
Please give us an idea of what an average day looks like for you. We would appreciate if you could give us current and post-COVID responses if they differ!
We are looking for things like: How do you plan to incorporate a dog into this routine? What about evenings and weekends? Are you away for 5+ hours? How busy is your routine? Do you often have people over?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or animal cruelty, neglect or abandonment?
If you answered yes to the above question, please explain in more detail.
Why would you like to foster a dog? Do you have any concerns with fostering a rescue?
Have you ever had a dog that had a litter of puppies? We are looking for more information on your past experiences with mothers, young puppies, and your thoughts on unplanned litters.
If you answered yes to the above question, please explain in more detail.
Do you have any trips/life changes happening within the next few months? Please note that if you have a trip or move planned, you wait until after it is complete to foster. If you have a big life event happening within the next few months that will prevent you from fostering a dog in the short term, please wait to apply until you are 100% ready.
If you answered yes to the above question, please explain in more detail.
Please list the names, personal pronouns, age, relationship to yourself and occupation of everyone living in your home.
If you have children living at home, what is their experience with dogs?
Will the children in your home be part of the caring for dog? Will they be home alone with the dog? How will you ensure this is a safe environment for the children & your dog?
Do all members of your household agree to fostering?
Not sure, I haven't asked
Do you or any members of your household have allergies to dogs? If so, how do you plan to manage this?
Please note that we cannot accept foster homes who can only foster hypo/low-shed dogs at this time.
Do you have access to a car to bring your foster to Lakeview Animal Hospital in Mississauga for their vetting appointment(s)?
No, but I have family/friends that can help me
No, I would require help from a transport volunteer
If you answered "Other" to the previous question, please explain in more detail.
Have you ever adopted or fostered a pet from a shelter or rescue?
If yes, please elaborate on the experience with that organization. Was it a positive experience? What did you learn through this experience?
Please list the names, breeds, and ages of all pets currently in your home and tell us a little more about them (personality traits, exposure to other dogs/cats/animals, we want to know the good, the bad and the ugly!)
Are your current pets spayed/neutered? Please provide an answer (YES/NO) for each pet in your home. If the answer is no for any animal, please provide more information on this and any relevant vetting information.
Are they... (select all that apply)
Dog friendly
Happy go lucky
Dog reactive
Human reactive
Nervous around people (need proper intros)
Nervous around dogs (need proper intros)
Other (please enter below)
If you answered "Other" to the previous question, please explain further:
Tell us about any pets you’ve had in the past. How many have you had? Were they family pets? Were you the primary caregiver? Can you let us know how you lost your past pets?
Have you ever re-homed an animal? If yes, please explain in more detail below. We understand that every situation is different and would like to better understand what helped you come to that decision.
Have you ever had to advocate for a dog in an uncomfortable situation? If so, tell us about it.
Are you open to training ideas, balanced training methodology, and virtual or in person workshops from SAVE OUR SCRUFF?
If you answered no to the previous question, please explain in more detail.
In your own words, what makes a “Responsible Pet Owner"?
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your dog experience that you feel like we should know about?
What kind of neighbourhood do you live in?
Downtown Core
Small Town
Rural and/or farm community
What's your living arrangement?
Select all that apply.
Detached House
Semi-Detached House
With outdoor space (fenced)
With outdoor space (unfenced)
No outdoor space
I live alone
I share a space with roommates/family
I rent my home
I own my home
If you answered "Other" to the previous question, please provide any other relevant information on your living arrangements:
Does your living environment (condo corporation, etc) have size restrictions for dogs? If so, what is the restriction?
Do you have space in your home for a crate for your dog when you are away from home/sleeping?
Do you rent or own?
Rent, and my landlord is cool with me fostering a dog
Rent, and I don't know if my landlord is cool with me fostering a dog
Rent, and my landlord is not cool with me fostering a dog
Live with Family
Did you know? “No pets” clauses on residential leases are not enforceable in Ontario. There are very few circumstances under which a landlord can legally prevent a tenant from having a dog in the home. Outside of these specific circumstances (severe allergies, condo association rules, etc.), tenants do not need their landlords permission in order to own a pet. If you receive pressure from your landlord, you can file a complaint with the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). We’ve had cases where this kind of pressure led to adopters giving up their pets, which is a terrible outcome for everyone. It’s crucial that you educate yourself about your rights, recourse and resources, so that you’re able to stand up for yourself and your dog if you find yourself in this situation. You can learn about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant with pets by reading the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. If you need help understanding this document, or have questions about it, you can call the LTB’s help line or look at their website for lots of helpful information. http://tribunalsontario.ca/ltb/ or (416) 645-8080
If you are a renter, have you read and understand the above?
Where will your foster dog stay when you're not home?
Dog house outdoors
In a crate
Limited access inside with barriers or baby gates
Free roaming inside
They will access to both outside via a doggy door and inside
Playcare or other dog facilities/groups
Where will your foster dog sleep during the night?
Dog house outdoors
Curled up in bed with me
In its crate
In its dog bed
If you answered "Other" to the previous question, please explain in more detail.
Who in your household or community will help you take care of your foster, if applicable?
Select all that apply.
Trainer/Dog Walking company
Which member of your household will be primarily responsible for feeding, exercising and training the dog?
My partner/roommate/family
Shared responsibilities
Not sure yet
Please outline (realistically) what your activity level will look like with a dog in your home and/or what your activity level looks like with your current dog. Describe the quantity, duration and type of physical exercise you can provide daily. Please also describe the amount of mental stimulation you can provide daily (training, relationship building, engagement exercises, games, etc)
Do you or anyone in your household smoke inside the home?
Are you prepared for an adjustments period (that can last weeks or months) while the dog gets comfortable around you and your home? What types of behaviour do you expect during the adjustment period? Can you let us know how you might work with these behaviours or how you have handled these in the past?* (paragraph text box)
What is a deal breaker for you with respect to fostering?
The foster homes we are looking for are open to taking on dogs of various breeds, ages and sizes. Your Counsellor will get to know you during the onboarding process and will pair you with a foster dog that matches your availability, experience and ability. You will not have the chance to meet the dog ahead of time or choose your foster dog. Are you ok with this?
No (please explain below)
If you answered "No" to the previous question, please apply in more detail!
When are you ready to start fostering?
Right away, let's save lives!
I need some time to get ready
I'm not sure yet if fostering is right for me
In the future, would you be interested in attending training to gain experience with helping dogs with a challenging background who need extra support? (behavioural cases, support with socialization, etc)
As we do not have a physical shelter location, we rely on fosters to be able continue to foster the dog until they are adopted. On average this is 4-8 weeks, but can be longer or shorter depending on each dog. Are you ok with this?
No (please explain below)
If you answered No to the above question, please explain in more detail.
Are you willing to foster dogs with specific or special needs? If so, please check all that apply.
Dogs that need significant training/rehabilitating
Litters of puppies
Pregnant dogs (and foster the puppies until of age)
Special medical needs (wheelchair, incontinence, etc)
We provide you with the essentials for your dog (food and crate, vet check and extras if we have) but if you wish to buy anything new for your foster dog, do you understand that you will NOT be reimbursed?
We cover all routine vetting while the dog is in your care, along with any new medical concerns that arise. We do not cover vetting that is required due to negligence on the part of the foster, for example, consuming a toxic substance, getting into an altercation at a dog park (which fosters are not allowed to visit with their foster dog), etc. Do you agree with the above?
Vet Clinic Name
Contact Number
Email Address
Personal Reference #1: Name
Personal Reference #1: Relationship to you
Personal Reference #1: Phone Number
Personal Reference #1: Email Address
If you own a dog, can this person speak to your dog's behaviour/personality?
Personal Reference #2: Name
Personal Reference #2: Relationship to you
Personal Reference #2: Phone Number
Personal Reference #2: Email Address
If you own a dog, can this person speak to your dog's behaviour/personality?
Personal Reference #3: Name
Personal Reference #3: Relationship to you
Personal Reference #3: Phone Number
Personal Reference #3: Email Address
If you own a dog, can this person speak to your dog's behaviour/personality?
Anything else you think we should know that wasn't covered?
Did anyone recommend SOS to you or where did you hear about us? Who should we thank?
Do you agree to the above?
I agree
I do not agree
Although every attempt will be made to ensure your safety, animals are by their nature unpredictable in behaviour. Accordingly you, as a volunteer agree to the following conditions: I hereby agree to hold Save our Scruff, Rehome & Rescue, its officers, directors, employees and volunteers forever harmless for any damage to personal property or any injury whatsoever that I may suffer as a result of my volunteer activities. This includes but is not limited to dog bites, scratches, communicable illnesses or pests contracted from any animal. I am aware that as a volunteer of Save our Scruff, Rehome & Rescue i am acting as a representative of the organization and agree to act responsibly at all times by maintaining a professional demeanor and protecting the rescued animals from any harm while they are in my possession or care. Volunteers under 16 years of age require a parental or legal guardian to be in attendance and the guardian must also fill out a volunteer waiver. Volunteers over the age of 16 may volunteer without a parental guardian accompanying them, however parental or legal guardian consent is required (signing consent on this waiver below). Therefore, you must be 18 years or older to volunteer with the dogs, some exceptions can be made depending on the situation/volunteer opportunity. This waiver applies to any and all events that I attend as a volunteer for Save our Scruff, Rehome & Rescue.
I understand
We require that you only foster the dog at your primary residence (unless prior permission is granted by your Counsellor)
I understand
We do not allow the use of dog parks with a foster dog. Any time off leash should only be in fully secured, private areas like a backyard.
I understand
We require the dog is crated when you are out, sleeping or unable to fully supervised
I understand
We expect you to advocate for the safety, health and well being of your foster dog in all situations.
I understand
Thank you for filling out this application! After all these thoughtful and important questions, are you EXCITED and do you think you are ready to foster a dog?